
Waterway Infrastructure Approvals

Fish biology and ecology expertise

With lengthy career backgrounds in government fisheries departments and extensive experience in compiling development applications, AFPS staff can assist with navigating the complicated development approval/Waterway Barrier Works process. Our team specialises in providing expert fisheries  advice, designs and essential information required by government departments to gain approvals in a timely manner. 

Waterway Barrier Works

The Waterway Barrier Works (WWBW) Development Approval process can be a complicated process. A waterway barrier is any instream structure that prevents fish from moving upstream or downstream past the structure. The construction or raising of waterway barrier works within a waterway, is regulated under all state legislation. For example, a development application under the Planning Act 2016, or compliance with the Accepted Development Requirements for operational works that is constructing or raising waterway barrier works, is required in Queensland.  The construction of an instream barrier can also trigger additional legislative provisions including marine plants, tidal works, native vegetation clearing etc. AFPS have extensive experience compiling WWBW applications including responding to and satisfying any additional State Development Assessment Provisions. 

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