
Waterway Infrastructure Assessment, Fish Passage Design, Approvals, Construction, Training and Monitoring

AFPS has extensive fish passage experience having designed and constructed over 100 fishways and waterway enhancement projects in the last 20+ years. AFPS has complete design and construction experience for small fishways such as rock-ramp, bypass, culvert and vertical slot fishways and has contributed to the design of many large technical fishways including fish lifts and locks. AFPS developed the precast concrete cone fishway which is proving highly successful in waterways in both Australia and South-East Asia. AFPS has also undertaken several waterway reconstruction projects that have increased fish habitat in affected waterways.

AFPS specialises in leading and managing all aspects of fish habitat projects from concept design through to construction, but can also provide design and development approvals advice for those who have construction covered.

Fisheries GIS Analysis

Through GIS analysis AFPS is helping to direct funding to the greatest impact sites. Ensuring suitable investment strategies and construction techniques for fish barrier remediation is crucial for ensuring maximum productivity benefits. AFPS has developed investment plans based on the rapid assessment of potential barriers in catchments in Australia and S.E. Asia.

Fishway and Fish Habitat Design and Construction

AFPS staff have extensive fish passage design experience. With designs for over 50 fishways completed in the last 10 years. AFPS has complete design experience for smaller fishways such as rock ramp and bypass fishways as well as culvert and pipe fishways. AFPS has also contributed to the design of many large fishways such as vertical slot, lift and lock fishways. AFPS staff have also developed the precast cone fishway. AFPS has the design experience to get your project to completion.

Fish Community Monitoring

AFPS staff have extensive fish passage assessment and monitoring experience, having worked on fish passage projects in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia and Central Laos trapping thousands of fish and identifying over 50 species. 

Detailed analysis and reporting from these projects have greatly improved the knowledge of fish biology and passage throughout Australasia.

Development Approvals

With lengthy career backgrounds in government fisheries departments and extensive experience in compiling development applications, AFPS staff can assist with navigating the complicated development approval/Waterway Barrier Works (QLD) process. Our team specialise in providing expert fish passage advice, designs and essential information required by government departments to gain approvals in a timely manner. 

Fish Passage Training

With extensive experience in all aspects of fish passage, AFPS can assist with training. AFPS has developed and executed fish passage training programs in Australia, southeast Asia and New Zealand. A tailored program can be developed to suit individual needs and can include fish passage ecology, barrier assessment, fish passage design, approvals, construction and monitoring.  

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