Design and Construction Projects

Fitzroy Basin Association Fishways Project 2020-2023
AFPS worked with the Fitzroy Basin Association to undertake eight fish passage improvement projects in the Fitzroy Basin. Four rock ramp fishways and one cone fishway were constructed, one crossing upgraded to fish-friendly box culverts and two baffle installations were carried out in the catchment.

Sleng Weir Fishway, Cambodia 2023
In partnership with Charles Sturt University, AFPS designed, supervised construction, conducted intensive fish passage training sessions with local fisheries, irrigation officials, and students, and had the honor of officially inaugurating the Sleng Weir Vertical Slot fishway alongside the Australian Ambassador in November, 2023.

New Zealand Fish Passage Workshops 2023-2024
In partnership with the New Zealand National institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, AFPS is presenting several fish passage masterclasses to increase the skillset of regional councils and Iwi groups in barrier assessment, prioritisation and fishway design to enable the development of fish passage action plans in line with new legislation.

Big Al’s Brook 2020
AFPS worked in conjunction with Queensland TMR to undertake the relocation of big Al’s Brook due to the widening of the Bruce Highway and the design of fish habitat features.

Barwon Barrage Cone Fishway 2020
AFPS worked with the Corangamite CMA to provide design and construction supervision the cone fishway at Barwon Barrage, near Geelong, Victoria.

Bunya Crossing 2020
Moreton Bay Regional Council were looking to improve both fish passage and scouring issues at the crossing.

Reedy Lake Outlet Vertical Slot Fishway 2020
AFPS worked with the Corangamite CMA to provide design and construction supervision for the vertical slot fishway at the outlet to Reedy Lake, near Geelong, Victoria.

Rookwood Weir 2019 – Present
AFPS worked in conjunction with sunwater and GHD to progress the approval of Rookwood Weir and fishway.

Warrock Rock Ramp Fishway 2019
AFPS worked with the Glenelg Hopkin CMA to successfully undertake the construction a rock ramp fishway on the Glenelg River, near Casterton in western Victoria.

Kbal Hong Cone Fishway 2019
AFPS provided design and construction and monitoring supervision to the Cambodian Inland Fisheries Service and Pursat Province Irrigation ror a cone fishway on the Kbal Hong Weir on the Stung Pursat in central Cambodia.

Sandford Weir Rock Ramp Fishway 2019
AFPS supervised the construction of a rock ramp fishway to provide passage past a gauging weir on the Glenelg River near Casterton, Victoria.

Yeppen Lagoon Log Fish Hotels 2018
AFPS undertook the installation of log ‘fish hotels’ into Yeppen Lagoon to increase the amount of fish habitat available to the fish community.

Dubbo Weir Rock Ramp Fishway 2016
AFPS worked with Alluvium to design and supervise construction of a rock ramp fishway on a 2 m high weir on the Macquarie River near Dubbo, NSW.

Glenore Weir Cone Fishway 2016
AFPS provided design guidance and construction advice for the Glenore Weir Replacement and Fishway Project on the Norman River, QLD.

Fitzroy Barrage Cone Fishway 2015
AFPS worked with the Fitzroy Basin Association to design and supervise construction of a cone fishway to complement the existing vertical slot fishway on the Fitzroy River, Rockhampton, QLD.

Echuca Weir Rock Ramp Fishway 2014
AFPS worked with the North Central CMA to design and supervise construction of a rock ramp fishway to replace the redundant gauging weir on the Campaspe River near Echuca, Vic.

Barwon Barrage Vertical Slot Fishway 2013
AFPS worked with the Corangamite CMA to re-design and supervise the construction of a vertical slot fishway on the Barwon River barrage near Geelong, Vic.

Gregory River Cross Vanes – 2013
AFPS staff supervised the construction of Cross Vane erosion protection structures in the Gregory River, near Proserpine in Central Queensland.

Dights Falls Rock Ramp fishway 2012
AFPS designed and supervised construction of a rock ramp fishway to bring fish from the tailwater pool up to the entrance of the vertical slot fishway constructed on Dights Falls Weir on the Yarra River near Collingwood, Vic.

Flinders River Precast Cone Fishway 2010
AFPS designed and constructed a cone fishway on the Flinders River at the Floraville Road crossing at a remote in the Gulf of Carpentaria, QLD.

Sandringham Lagoon 2006 – 2009
AFPS staff supervised the extensive rehabilitation of Sandringham Lagoon, near Mackay in Central Queensland.

Clare Weir Lock Fishway 2004
AFPS undertook pre and post construction monitoring and provided fishway design advice for the Clare Weir Lock Fishway on the Burdekin River, QLD.